Month: November 2009

W2 forms are to be filed with the Social Security Administration. SSA has two methods of filing the forms. Employers can file paper forms or they can electronically file. I found a nice product by searching the internet for W2 Forms or W2 E-Filing. In order to fill out these forms you may want to consider using Read more…

The best approach is to use payroll software to figure payroll taxes. A payroll software will automatically calculates net pay, Federal, Social Security, Medicare, state and local payroll taxes. Payroll software also supports different types of payroll pay periods, prints checks, prepares for 940, 941, 944’s as well as W2’s and W3’s.

The best advice I can give you is to purchase 1099 software. Form 1099 software allows the user to create, print and file 1099 forms in compliance with IRS regulations. Use the IRS website for valuable information.

Social Security Administration requires employers to issue W2 forms to their employees no later than January 1st. To generate thes forms use W2 software. Form printing software will print and file W2 forms. If you have questions about W2 copy A and W3 forms, federal copies, you can call 866-455-7438

W2 forms are to be filed with the Social Security Administration. SSA has two methods of filing the forms. Employers can file paper forms or they can electronically file. A good product would support both methods of filing. For more information on e-filing go to

To figure payroll taxes for Kentucky you will need tax rate information. Doing this manually can be complicated and prone to calculation errors. I would recommend purchasing an affordable payroll software that will calculate the federal and state tax withholding automatically.

Using a form printing software to complete W2 forms is simple. Look for a software that has the capacity to print SSA approved W2 copies A, B,C,D, state 1 and 2 to blank paper.

There are multiple 1099 forms. 1099 Misc being one of the most popular types of 1099 forms. To confirm which 1099 form to issue and file you can go online at or call 866-455-7438. Once you determine which type of form to file I suggest using 1099 software. 1099 software allows the user to generate, print Read more…

To calculate payroll taxes for 2009 or any year I would strongly recommend payroll software. This will save you time and money. A good program will automatically calculate federal and state withholdings, prepare W2 forms and print payroll checks.

Doing payroll for a small business may not be as complicated as you think. Use a payroll software to save time, money and avoid calculation errors. When looking for a good software make sure the software automatically calculates payroll taxes. One good software I found is called Payroll Mate. Payroll Mate can be found on the publisher’s Read more…