The fastest solution to create a 1099 is to use a printing software. In my experience I used W2 Mate software to enter all of my data, and the software will allow you to print your recipient/payer copy on blank paper, for 1099 Misc. copy B, C, State Copy 1 and State Copy 2. To print 1099 Read more…
What you can do to complete W2 forms is to use a software that will generate, print, and file W2 forms. In my experience, I would recommend a form printing software that will generate all the W2 forms you need on blank paper. W2 Mate is not only user friendly, but very affordable. To learn more about Read more…
To complete W2 forms for your employees and to file W2 forms with the Social Security Administration I recommend W2 software. W2 Mate will print W2 employee/employer copies to blank paper. This W2 form printing software will create, print and efile w2 forms.
Consider using W2 software. W2 software can be purchased specifically for 2007. Users will be able to print W2 employee, employer and state copies to blank paper.
In my experience getting W2 forms from previous years may be difficult. I recommend using W2 software. W2 Mate is an inexpensive solution to printing 2006 W2 forms. The software is capable of printing, filing and emailing W2 forms. For more information about W2 Mate 2006 go to
You should be able to locate 2007 W2 forms online or there are programs for printing W2 forms such as W2 Mate that are available for prior years. Visit
1099 forms can be created, printed and filed with 1099 software. This software allows the user to enter company and recipient information. Then you will go to the 1099 form and enter total payments made. Once information is entered the user can print 1099 Misc B, C, state 1 and 2 to blank paper and 1099 Misc Read more…
An excelllent source for pre-printed W2 forms or for a software program that will actually print the W2 copies on regular paper is
If you are looking for 2007 W2 forms , Real Business Solutions has those forms in stock. For a complete list of software, forms and supplies visit
A good payroll software that will allow you to generate a paystub would be Payroll Mate. Payroll Mate will allow you to print checks and corresponding paystubs. To learn more about our program or to download a free Demo of the program, please visit our website at